One Way – The Sweet Service Of Our Great High Priest

Hebrews 8 – The Sweet Service Of Our Great High Priest There is a new law that sets us free from the Law of Moses. listen to the audio “There’s only one binding law: All of it or nothing!”
Wiseguy – The Name Is Bondservant, James Bondservant

James 1:1 – The Name Is Bondservant, James Bondservant James introduces himself to his audience as a bond servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. listen to the audio read the transcript “We need to be urged, as the world worsens, to maintain separation.”
Wiseguy (James)

James 1:1 – The Name Is Bondservant, James Bondservant James introduces himself to his audience as a bond servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. watch the video listen to the audio read the transcript James 1:2-4, 12 – Joy Я Us James tells us that we should cultivate joy when trials befall […]