Lessons & Carols Dec 24 @ 5pm

Wiseguy – A Double-Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Embrace

James 1:5-11 – A Double-Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Embrace James calls us double-minded if we ask God for wisdom then doubt that He will give it to us. listen to the audio read the transcript notas en español “Wisdom is something we are to ‘ask’ for. If it’s a gift, I can’t learn […]

Prophecy Update #459 – French Eyes

Prophecy Update #459 – French Eyes France’s controversial new database will impact at least 60 million people. listen to the audio read the pdf transcript

One Way – Tour De Tabernacle

Hebrews 9:1-10 – Tour De Tabernacle In this passage, we get a tour of the ancient Tabernacle and learn how it spoke of Christ. listen to the audio “We can be encouraged regardless of where we are in our walk or in human history.”

Wiseguy – Joy Я Us

James 1:2-4, 12 – Joy Я Us James tells us that we should cultivate joy when trials befall us. listen to the audio read the transcript “Like it or not, God is most revealed when in our weaknesses He is made to appear strong. It is not weakness when God chooses to not heal you; […]

Prophecy Update #458 – Under My Skin

Prophecy Update #458 – Under My Skin There is no comprehensive data on how many people have RFID implants in their bodies, but the number is growing. listen to the audio read the pdf transcript