Fantastic Feasts – The Feasts Of The Lord

The Feasts Of The Lord What can we learn from the different feasts given to Israel by the Lord? listen to the audio read the transcript “Christians, whether Jewish or Gentile, are not responsible to keep these feasts, but knowledge of them encourages our faith”
Fantastic Feasts And Where We Find Them

The Feasts Of The Lord What can we learn from the different feasts given to Israel by the Lord? watch the video listen to the audio read the transcript Passover At this feast, God’s people remembered the deliverance from Egypt watch the video listen to the audio read the transcript Unleavened Bread At this feast, […]
The Lord’s Supper (A Series On Communion)

1 Corinthians 11:17-19 – Divided We Feast Paul had a lot to teach the Corinthian church, and us, about what communion is all about watch the video listen to the audio read the transcript 1 Corinthians 11:20-22 – Supper Of Shame The apostle Paul suggested that the Corinthians exercise portion control when they gathered for […]