Lessons & Carols Dec 24 @ 5pm

Iglesia De Carne – Honey, I Sanctified The Kids

1 Corinthians 7:10-24 – Honey, I Sanctified The Kids Believers in Corinth were to remain married to their nonbelieving spouses and thereby have a sanctifying influence in their homes. listen to the audio read the transcript “Your situation is irrelevant. You are to walk empowered by the Spirit, in obedience to God, in any situation […]

Prophecy Update #591 – Marked Men

Prophecy Update #591 – Marked Men For centuries, futurists were ridiculed for believing that the Mark of the Beast could be literal. No one could conceive of such a technology. Today, everyone understands that there are multiple technologies involving biometrics that could fulfill the two-thousand year old prophecy. listen to the audio read the pdf […]