Psalm Sundays – Ear Ye! Ear Ye! (Psalm 5)

Psalm 5 – Ear Ye! Ear Ye! TOPIC David asks God to ‘give ear’ to his morning prayer. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Psalm 5:1-12 Zephaniah 3:17 Colossians 3:1-2 FROM THE MESSAGE “The psalms, whether written to be sung or not, are considered poetry. Poetry is not propositional. It is meant to be emotional; it gives […]
Psalm Sundays

Psalm 1 – Happily Ever After What does the Bible say about people pursuing happiness with their lives? Is there a Godly way? watch the video listen to the audio read the transcript Psalm 2 – Rebel Yell David gives a song for rebels, revealing the treason of their hearts and societies, but then proclaiming […]
Prophecy Update #606 – The Wave

Prophecy Update #606 – The Wave Amazon is exploring the possibility of allowing users to connect credit card information to their hand, paying for items with a simple wave. listen to the audio read the pdf transcript