Psalm Sundays – Ark Tales (Psalm 68)

Psalm 68 – Ark Tales TOPIC A song to celebrate the history of the Ark of the Covenant upon its arrival in Jerusalem. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Psalm 68:1-35 Genesis 6 Numbers 10:35 Numbers 13:30-33 2 Samuel 6:12-18 Psalm 22 Matthew 16:13, 18 Acts 1:8 Colossians 2:15 FROM THE MESSAGE “Any mention of Bashan would remind […]
Prophecy Update #615 – As The Worldview Turns

Prophecy Update #615 – As The Worldview Turns TOPIC Recent polls are showing a shift in the worldview of American Christians, which is exactly what you’d expect from a literal reading of Revelation. LISTEN TO THE AUDIO READ THE TRANSCRIPT