Psalm Sundays – Gonna Lie Now, Lying Sly Now (Psalm 120)

Psalm 120 – Gonna Lie Now, Lying Sly Now TOPIC The psalmist finds himself imperiled by liars and their lies. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Psalm 120:1-7     Psalm 35:20     Romans 6:11     Ephesians 2:4-6     1 Corinthians 11:26-27 FROM THE MESSAGE “Since we are fellow travelers, the Psalms of Ascent are a great playlist for us, too. And let’s […]

Prophecy Update #620 – V For Vaccine

Prophecy Update #620 – V For Vaccine TOPIC Until recently, it was hard to believe that the global population would willingly give up their privacy in favor of an identification system like the one predicted in the Revelation. COVID-19 could be accelerating global acceptance of some sort of contactless digital ID. LISTEN TO THE AUDIO […]