Psalm Sundays – Quoth The Righteous “Forevermore” (Psalm 121)

Psalm 121 – Quoth The Righteous, “Forevermore” TOPIC The writer of Psalm 121 is promised God’s protection now and forevermore. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Psalm 121:1-8     Daniel 3:17-18     John 17:12-22     Hebrews 11:33-38 FROM THE MESSAGE “I think of Jesus’ words to Paul as something unique, because he would have such a profound ministry. But, really, Jesus spoke […]

Prophecy Update #621 – The Tais Have It

Prophecy Update #621 – The Tais Have It TOPIC It’s not being a conspiracy theorist to see one scenario that calls for everyone in the world to be vaccinated, and to be able to prove their COVID-19 status digitally. Without proof of the vaccination, you could be barred from entering stores and other buildings. That […]