Psalm Sundays – I Wanna Behold Your Hand (Psalm 123)

Psalm 123 – I Wanna Behold Your Hand TOPIC The psalmist compares believers to a servant carefully beholding his or her master’s hand for subtle signals. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Psalm 123:1-4 Psalm 32:8-9 Isaiah 6:1-3 John 20:27 FROM THE MESSAGE “Nonbelievers hold you in contempt; or they should. They think you are weak and foolish for […]
Prophecy Update #623 – COVID 1984

Prophecy Update #623 – COVID 1984 TOPIC COVID19 is pushing the world population towards a global, digital biometric system. It is the kind of system futurists have been predicting since the apostle John wrote the Revelation. LISTEN TO THE AUDIO READ THE TRANSCRIPT