Lessons & Carols Dec 24 @ 5pm

Psalm Sundays – Round, Round, God Surrounds, He Gets Around (Psalm 125)

Psalm 125 – Round, Round, God Surrounds, He Gets Around TOPIC The psalmist describes God supernaturally surrounding His people the way the mountains are naturally around Jerusalem. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Psalm 125:1-5     Psalm 5:12     Psalm 32:7     John 10:28-29     Romans 8:39     Romans 11:26     2 Peter 3:10-11 FROM THE MESSAGE “Let’s ask two preliminary questions: Is […]

Prophecy Update #625 – How Long?

Prophecy Update #625 – How Long? TOPIC If COVID-19 has a sinister, Satanic, spiritual purpose, it is that it is pushing the world population towards a global, digital biometric system. It is the kind of system futurists have been predicting since the apostle John wrote the Revelation. LISTEN TO THE AUDIO READ THE TRANSCRIPT