The Grace Of Wrath – Woohoo, Witchy Woman, She Got the Saints in Her Sights (Revelation 2:18-29)

Revelation 2:18-29 – Woohoo, Witchy Woman, She Got The Saints In Her Sights TOPIC Jesus exposes a woman in the church in Thyatira who claims to be a prophetess but is more like a notorious witch and harlot from the Old Testament. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Revelation 2:18-29 2 Kings 9:22 2 Kings 9:30 […]
Prophecy Update #647 – Give Me Some Credit

Prophecy Update #647 – Give Me Some Credit TOPIC In the Revelation we see an image of the Beast, and a prophecy that no one may buy or sell without his mark. How might this compare to the emerging social credit systems we see today? LISTEN TO THE AUDIO READ THE TRANSCRIPT