Lessons & Carols Dec 24 @ 5pm

The Grace Of Wrath – Where Eagles Dare To Fled (Revelation 12:6-17)

Revelation 12:6-17 – Where Eagles Dare To Fled TOPIC With the great dragon in murderous pursuit, God gives Jews “two wings of a great eagle that they might fly into the wilderness to safety.” SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Revelation 12:6-17     Genesis 37:9-10     Zechariah 13:8-9     Matthew 24:29-31     Luke 18:22-24     Philippians 1:21-23 FROM THE MESSAGE “You can be sure […]

Prophecy Update #659 – Slaughterbots

Prophecy Updates

Prophecy Update #659 – Slaughterbots TOPIC Facial recognition has become more popular and more accurate. It is one of the biometric technologies that could be utilized to take control over a society in the way described in the Revelation. LISTEN TO THE AUDIO READ THE TRANSCRIPT