The Grace Of Wrath – Famous Lasting Words (Revelation 22:6-21)

Revelation 22:6-21 – Famous Lasting Words TOPIC The last words of the Revelation are appropriately an invitation for “whoever” to “come” and be saved SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Revelation 22:6-21     Philippians 3:2     Revelation 2:20 FROM THE MESSAGE “Words keepers are gracious. We have received grace and having experienced it cannot help but want it for others.” […]

Prophecy Update #673 – Image Conscious

Prophecy Update #673 – Image Conscious TOPIC In Revelation 13, humans “make” a sentient “image to the beast” that will have power over life and death. It will order and execute the deaths of people who refuse to worship the antichrist. LISTEN TO THE AUDIO READ THE TRANSCRIPT