He Loved Me, He Loves Me Lots – Born To Loose (John 1:19-28)

John 1:19-28 – Born To Loose TOPIC John the Baptist tells a delegation from Jerusalem he is not worthy to loose Jesus’ sandal strap. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES John 1:19-28     Deuteronomy 18:15     Malachi 4:5     Matthew 11:10, 14     John 13:14-15, 17:11-13 FROM THE MESSAGE “John’s Elijah-like ministry was unique. We’re not expected to wear camel hair or eat […]

Prophecy Update #677 – The FBAI

Prophecy Update #677 – The FBAI TOPIC The rapid progress in Artificial Intelligence is a disturbing trend. AI is the ability of machines to mimic the human mind. The ultimate goal of AI is to create an object that can think like a human. LISTEN TO THE AUDIO READ THE TRANSCRIPT