Lessons & Carols Dec 24 @ 5pm

He Loved Me, He Loves Me Lots – Houses Of The Holy (John 14:1-14)

John 14:1-14 – Houses Of The Holy TOPIC Jesus reveals He is returning to Heaven to prepare houses for His saints. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES John 14:1-14     Matthew 26:52-54 FROM THE MESSAGE “‘The works that I do’ foments arguing because the first thing we think of is miracles. Shouldn’t there be signs and wonders breaking out all […]

Prophecy Update #710 – ChatBot3

Prophecy Update #710 – ChatBot3 TOPIC Until very recently, futurists had almost no idea what the image of the Beast might be, or how it could be given breath, or how it kill anyone who won’t worship it. LISTEN TO THE AUDIO READ THE NOTES