Psalm Sundays – This Song’s Gonna Get Stuck Inside Your Heart (Psalm 145)

Psalm 145 – This Song’s Gonna Get Stuck Inside Your Heart TOPIC David’s final Psalm is one he says he wants to sing every day from now till eternity. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Psalm 145:1-29 Judges 2:10-12 Job 33:4 Psalm 34:8 Isaiah 55:6-7 Matthew 5:45 John 4:10, 14 John 14:12 Romans 10:9 Revelation 22:17 FROM […]
Prophecy Update #717 – Cloudy With A Chance Of Globalism

Prophecy Update #717 – Cloudy With A Chance Of Globalism TOPIC Global government means that all the nations of the world surrender their sovereignty to a collective group of leaders. What would it take for that to happen? The leading candidate today is Climate Change. LISTEN TO THE AUDIO READ THE NOTES