He Loved Me, He Loves Me Lots – Ladies And Gentlemen, This Is Your Pilate Conceding (John 18:28-19:15)

John 18:28-19:15 – Ladies And Gentlemen, This Is Your Pilate Conceding TOPIC Pressured by the chief priests and elders of Israel, Pontius Pilate concedes to sentence Jesus to death. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES John 18:28-19:15 Job 38:1-6 Psalm 118:22 Psalm 145:13 Matthew 23:37-39 John 1:11 2 Timothy 3:1-5 FROM THE MESSAGE “Pilate was relying on the testimony […]
Prophecy Update #720 – Keeping Score

Prophecy Update #720 – Keeping Score TOPIC The totalitarian, global government of the antichrist will enforce its mandates by restricting what a person can buy or sell. This will affect every aspect of life. We have been trending that way for some time. The COVID19 pandemic revealed how easy it is for government to mandate […]