Lessons & Carols Dec 24 @ 5pm

The Millennium Forecast – The Purpose Driven Nations (Isaiah 14:24-17:14)

Isaiah 14:24-17:14 – The Purpose Driven Nations TOPIC Isaiah reveals what he calls the purpose God purposed for certain nations involved with Israel and Judah. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Isaiah 14:24-17:14     Isaiah 60:14     Jeremiah 18:7-10     Hebrews 10:7     Hebrews 12:22     Revelation 12:13-16 FROM THE MESSAGE “God’s prophets felt their messages. It helped to reveal the heart of God, […]

Prophecy Update #740 – DigiGod

Prophecy Update #740 – DigiGod TOPIC There is an amazing prophecy in the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ that has defied our best guesses as to what it might be. That is, until now. LISTEN TO THE AUDIO READ THE NOTES