The Millennium Forecast – Holy Rollin’ Down The Highway

Isaiah 35:1-10 – Holy Rollin’ Down The Highway TOPIC The Lord will construct the Highway of Holiness to accommodate pilgrims visiting Jerusalem during the one-thousand year Kingdom on Earth. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Isaiah 35:1-10 Psalm 19:1 Isaiah 55:1 Romans 8:18-23 2 Peter 1:11 Revelation 3:17-18 FROM THE MESSAGE “During the siege of Jerusalem by the Assyrian’s […]
Prophecy Update #753 – How Klaus Are We To Globalism?

Prophecy Update #753 – How Klaus Are We To Globalism? TOPIC Klaus Schwab has more than a few totalitarian plans for Planet Earth. His public statements on globalism and the radical change of human society are shocking to hear. The Revelation of Jesus Christ predicts a global government in the End Times. Christian futurists have […]