Freaked-Out Mr. Fox (Luke 9:7-9)

Luke 9:7-9 – Freaked-Out Mr. Fox TOPIC Herod Antipas is confused and disturbed by rumors that John the Baptist is back from the dead. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Luke 9:7-9 Psalm 63:10 Matthew 14:2-5 Mark 6:16-20 Luke 3:1 Luke 8:1 Luke 23:8 Acts 4:12 Acts 13:1 Romans 6:5 Ephesians […]
Prophecy Update #773 – Blinken’s Not Thinkin’

Prophecy Update #773 – Blinken’s Not Thinkin’ TOPIC Secretary of State Tony Blinken has asked the U.S. State Department to conduct a review and present policy options on possible recognition of a Palestinian state after the war in Gaza. Blessing Israel does not mean we must condone everything she does or does not do. Cursing […]