The Millennium Forecast – Bruised Almighty (Isaiah 53:4-6)

Isaiah 53:4-6 – Bruised Almighty TOPIC It was for you that Jesus was bruised. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Isaiah 53:4-6 Zechariah 12:10 Matthew 27:39-44 Luke 23:39-41 Romans 11:26 Romans 16:20 Revelation 1:13 FROM THE MESSAGE “Physical healing in the Church Age in which we live is not on the table in these words. Certainly you could apply […]
Prophecy Update #778 – Bow Now

Prophecy Update #778 – Bow Now TOPIC One of the most outrageous predictions found in the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ has to do with a “statue” that “comes to life.” Today it isn’t so difficult to see this as a form of advanced Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Did you know that Microsoft’s […]
Doesn’t God Promise To Heal Us?

Doesn’t God Promise To Heal Us? In Isaiah 53 we read: “By His stripes, we are healed.” Is that a promise that God will always heal His people? We see Jesus frequently healing afflictions of every kind in the Gospels. Why is it that we see so few miraculous healings in the Church age? Pastor […]