The Millennium Forecast – I Now Announce Us Husband And Wife (Isaiah 54:1-17)

Isaiah 54:1-17 – I Now Announce Us Husband And Wife TOPIC The LORD tells the nation of Israel what He has in store for her as His wife. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Isaiah 54:1-17 Genesis 6:21-25 Zechariah 4:14 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 Revelation 3:10 FROM THE MESSAGE “Do not forget passion. You are the Lord’s passion and He […]
Prophecy Update #781 – A Kohen Brother

Prophecy Update #781 – A Kohen Brother TOPIC The Jews believe they have found the Kohen who qualifies to lead the red heifer ceremony. Kohen is the Hebrew word for priest and it is specifically used in reference to the descendants of Aaron. The Temple Institute released a photograph on twitter with the caption, “A […]