The Millennium Forecast – A Crush To Judgment (Isaiah 63:1-6)

Isaiah 63:1-6 – A Crush To Judgment TOPIC Jesus’ robe will be stained red with the blood of Israel’s enemies when He crushes them like grapes in a wine press at His Second Coming. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Isaiah 63:1-6 Genesis 3:15 Psalm 19:3 Micah 2:12 Hosea 6:1-3 Zechariah 12:10 Matthew 23:39 Romans 3:10, 23 2 Corinthians […]
Prophecy Update #790 – Every Keystroke You Make, I’ll Be Watching You

Prophecy Update #790 – Every Keystroke You Make, I’ll Be Watching You TOPIC Just about anyone who studies Bible prophecy agrees that the reign of the antichrist will be a nightmarish surveillance state. Privacy will be a casualty. Along those lines, I came across an article titled, “Microsoft Is Giving Windows a Memory and It […]