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The Millennium Forecast – One ClayNation, Under God, Impressionable (Isiah 63:7-64:12)

Isaiah 63:7-64:12 – One ClayNation, Under God, Impressionable TOPIC Isaiah illustrates God’s involvement with nations as a potter working with impressionable clay. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Isaiah 63:7-64:12     Deuteronomy 7:7-9     Jeremiah 18:6-10     Ephesians 4:30-32 FROM THE MESSAGE “Certain aggressive but disturbing theologies teach that the Master Potter makes some ‘people-pottery’ that will definitely be saved, AND He […]

Prophecy Update #791 – Gait-Way

Prophecy Update #791 – Gait-Way TOPIC Behavior biometrics monitors phone movement, keyboard behavior, touchscreen behavior, and mouse behavior, to determine your behavioral profile. Your gestures & your gait, too, can be profiled. Bulgaria is going fully biometric in developing access control systems for mass gatherings. No tickets or wristbands; just scans of biometric info as […]