The Fantastic Forehead (Ezekiel 3:1-21)

Ezekiel 3:1-21 – The Fantastic Forehead TOPIC The LORD readies Ezekiel for his ministry to hard-hearted Jews by making his forehead strong like adamant stone. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Ezekiel 3:1-21     Matthew 28:18-20     Acts 2:42     Acts 8:39-40     1 Corinthians 9:16-18 FROM THE MESSAGE “Ezekiel had not begun his ministry. This is still part of his calling. The […]

Prophecy Update #797 – ACU OMG

Prophecy Update #797 – ACU OMG TOPIC Arizona Christian University conducts an annual worldview survey among incoming freshmen and other respondents. The 2023 study documented significant and alarming declines among born-again Christians, indicating that a Biblical worldview does not inform their actions or decisions. DOWNLOAD THE AUDIO READ THE NOTES