Here at Calvary, we believe baptism is an important part of every Christian’s life. It is a way by which we identify with our Savior in His death, burial and resurrection.
Along with communion, baptism has been given to us by Jesus as an ordinance to follow and celebrate.
The Bible says plainly that we are saved by grace through faith, not by any works, efforts or rituals.
While not essential for salvation, baptism is commanded for those who have believed in Jesus and are trusting Him for their salvation.
Since baptism is an outward witness of an inward faith, we believe that baptism is for people who are old enough to understand on their own that they are giving their lives to Christ, forever identifying with Him.
Here at Calvary, we ask that individuals be at least 12 years old before signing up to be baptized.
We hold baptisms periodically throughout the year. If you need to be baptized, let us know by signing up using the form on this page.
There’s nothing magical about baptism. It does not save you.
It is, however, something we’ve been commanded to do so that we can demonstrate to the world that we belong to Christ and that we are depending on Him, His sacrifice for us and His victory over sin and death.
For a little more on baptism, you can click here to read Pastor Gene’s study on this subject.
Also, you can watch this video where we talk about our position on baptism and why we don’t baptize infants:
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