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Are You Sleeping, Are You Sleeping, Father God? (Psalm 44)

Are You Sleeping, Are You Sleeping, Father God?


In their hour of distress, the sons of Korah construct a powerful song in ziggurat style to try to wake God from His slumber.


Psalm 44     Numbers 26:9-11     1 Chronicles 12:1-6     Mark 4:35-41     John 16:33     Romans 8:35-39


“When it’s not our suffering, it’s easy to put it in perspective, right? The fiery furnace? What a great situation! …Unless you’re the one in the flames! David in the cave about to be killed? AMAZING! Look at how God works! Paul bobbing up and down in the sea! WOW! What a testimony of God’s faithful goodness.
But my circumstances? Send an overwatch! Get me a chopper out of this battlefield! God, this has to STOP! Maybe. Maybe God wants to deliver you. Maybe He wants us to endure. Maybe someday our suffering will be seen a moment of honor or refining or a chance for the Lord to do a new work in us the way He so loves to.”

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