Right Or Flight (Psalm 11)

Psalm 11 - Right Or Flight


David finds himself in a fight or flight situation, but instead decides to go through door number three: Right. The way of God’s righteousness.


Psalm 11     Nehemiah 6:10-13     Luke 13:31-33     Romans 8:18     Ephesians 2:5-6


“We learn something else very important here: There are things God hates. Do you know what God hates? Some of you parents here have kids with serious allergies – peanut or bee sting. You know what their allergies are, right? You need to know because some very serious life stuff depends not only on knowing it, but avoiding exposure to certain things.
The Bible reveals that there are things God hates. God has expectations. He has standards. Are we meeting those standards? As we think about that, let’s remind ourselves that they are heart standards. We even see it here: “those who love violence.” David’s experienced a lot of violence, but he’s talking about a heart issue. And so, as the Lord examines us and as we cooperate with Him, we must always start with the heart and then move out to the hands.”

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