“Verse 1 already showed us that this love is extended to everyone. All the people of all the nations of the world. And the rest of the Bible shows us that anyone is welcome. Israel was the chosen nation to show the world that God loved them all. That His active love was also extended to Ruth the Moabitess, Rahab from Jericho, Naaman the Aramean, Uriah the Hittite, Nebuchadnezzar the Babylonian, Cornelius the Roman, the Samaritan woman at the well. You and me.
God’s love toward us is great. The word means it is a love that has prevailed in power. Prevailed over what? Well, in Psalm 65 we read that our iniquities “overwhelm” us, and the same word is used there as is used describing God’s love fr us here. Meaning that God’s love has prevailed over the sin that hold us captive in guilt and shame and failure.”