Any Given Saturday (Mark 1:21-28)

Mark 1:21-28 - Any Given Saturday


Mark shows us a day-in-the-life of Jesus, starting with a dramatic scene in the synagogue of Capernaum.


Mark 1:21-28     Luke 4:35     John 12:20-26


“This demon did not go quietly. Luke assures us this demon left without hurting this man at all. But this image gives us a sobering reminder about the character and conduct of our spiritual enemies.
Sin, satan, the rebel self within our hearts are all part of the same fallen kingdom of darkness. I doubt anyone here is demon possessed, but we still have sin lurking in our hearts. It crouches at the door. It wants to capture you and rule you and enslave you. It isn’t your friend. It doesn’t make you stronger. It wants to dominate your life the way the demon dominated this man.
Jesus wants to set you free from that domination. And we see here that the power of His word is enough. The process can be unpleasant, but Jesus kept this fellow safe, even as the demon was shouting and kicking and trying his best to keep control over this life. 
There’s nothing Christ can’t free us from. That’s why He came – to rescue us. To unshackle us. But don’t give sin a foothold in life. Because this is how sin treats a person.
Tonight, maybe you didn’t come in with an unclean spirit, but with a fearful spirit, a worried spirit, a discouraged spirit, a confused spirit. Christ will help you. Jesus is willing to minister to you”

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