“As partakers of the new covenant, the question is: Are we satisfied with the agreement? Is God’s administration over our lives enough for us? Are we willing to accept what God decides is good – meaning what is best for us? That’s what goodness means: the best things.
We humans struggle with that satisfaction. Adam and Eve didn’t think God’s administration of their lives was enough. Same with the children of Israel after the exodus. And the tribes of Israel demanding a human king like the other nations. Same with Naomi and her husband. Achan at Jericho. Jeroboam. Jonah. The Pharisees in the very presence of Jesus. Their hearts weren’t satisfied with what God wanted for them.
God administrates your life with the goodness of His house. The best things. Is that enough? Or do we demand more? Do we refuse to follow along, thinking we have a better way forward?”