All My Bags Are Packed, I’m Ready To Go (Ezekiel 12:1-28)

Ezekiel 12:1-28 - All My Bags Are Packed, I'm Ready To Go


Ezekiel packs his bags as a sign that Prince Zedekiah would seek to escape during the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem.


Ezekiel 12:1-28     2 Kings 25:7     Acts 7:52     1 Peter 3:9


“Do you have a go-bag? It’s tough to limit it to bare necessities. Do we have only the bare necessities and are we ready to go to another place? For us, it is not a departure to go into exile, but to the Father’s house. Maybe then people will ask us why we live the way we do. Then we can point them to the wrath of God that is coming upon the world, and to the Savior Who can and wants to save from it. We can sign the hope that is in us.
Signing the return of Jesus can be as casual as you coming to Church Sunday & Wednesdays. Your neighbors see you going & coming while they mow their lawns. They’ve probably been to churches that turned them off… or had a bad experience…But there you are, excited to meet with the Lord & His peeps.
Signing the return of Jesus can be more formal. Right after I got saved, I made an appointment with my philosophy prof to share the Lord with him.
We can’t tell you how to apply this in your life. The Lord can, and He will if you talk to Him about it.”

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