Between A Rock And A Hard Choice (1 Samuel 20)

Between A Rock And A Hard Choice (1 Samuel 20)


Jonathan meets with David by the rock Ezel as he tries to navigate what looks like a no-win situation.


1 Samuel 20:1-42     Luke 21:17     1 Thessalonians 5:11


“We live in a culture that is trying hard to make you hate people. Some group, some opponent. We’re supposed to see them as unforgivable. Irredeemable. Worthless. Enemies to be destroyed.
But that’s not the Christian calling. We’re supposed to stand against certain ideologies and philosophies – the doctrines of demons. But Jonathan’s example here is a reminder that the Christian calling is to follow Jesus and be in whatever position He places you. Jonathan didn’t live in the mindset that he’s either team David or team Saul. He acknowledged that God was bringing Saul down and raising David up. But Jonathan was really just on team Jehovah. And that’s why he was able to navigate this no-win situation with integrity and effectiveness. That’s why he could say, “David is going to be the next king,” but then go back to Saul’s court and give his life in defense of his father. That’s what God asked of Jonathan. That was the unique position God placed him in.
That’s how Daniel was able to be friends with Nebuchadnezzar. Or Manaen could be a close friend of Herod the tetrarch. Because God places His people not to destroy others but to minister to them.”

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