God Saves The King (Matthew 2:1-12)

Matthew 2:1-12 - God Saves The King


When wise men from the east notify evil King Herod about the birth of the new King, God providentially saves Jesus while also bringing the Gentiles to see the Savior.


Matthew 2:1-12     John 7:5     John 10:16


“We might expect one of the wise men to say, “Why not come with us?” After all, the wise men had left hearth and home to be in the presence of this baby King. Certainly, Herod could, too.
Now is the time for us to leave the thrones of our hearts and bow in worship before the true King of kings. Now is the time to abdicate to Him and to welcome His rule and reign over our lives.
Of course, Herod had no intention of worshiping Jesus. He only had self on his mind. His schemes always brought death.
Here’s the kind of man he was: Shortly before his death, he ordered that a large group of prominent citizens would be held in prison so that, at the moment he died they would be executed to ensure that the people of the kingdom would be displaying grief on the day of his passing. Herod was one of the worst men. But our sinful hearts are no so unlike his. Douglas Hare writes, ‘Scoff not at Herod until you have acknowledged the Herod in yourself.’
That God-hating killer lurks within each of us and must be deposed. We must drive him from the throne.”

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