Prophecy Update #815 – Hard To Swallow

Prophecy Update #815 - Hard To Swallow


Jesus compares His future death, burial, and resurrection to the experience of Jonah (Matthew 12:39-40).

Jonah spent three days and three nights in the belly of a great fish, and similarly, Jesus would be in the tomb for three days and three nights before rising again.

I hope you saw the video this week of a kayaker being momentarily swallowed by a whale!


“Some folks think we ought not look for any “signs.” But it was Jesus who encouraged it. He said, “You have a saying that goes, ‘Red sky at night, sailor’s delight; red sky at morning, sailors take warning.’ You find it easy enough to forecast the weather – why can’t you read the signs of the times? An evil and wanton generation is always wanting signs and wonders. The only sign you’ll get is the Jonah sign” (Matthew 16:1-4 The Message).
This incident isn’t a major sign. You may not think it a sign at all. I think that the Lord has a flair for the dramatic, and a sense it humor. A news story like this reminds people that Jesus rose from the dead and is alive. He is alive & He is coming back.”

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