The Millennium Forecast – He Reports, You Decide (Isaiah 53:1-3)

Isaiah 53:1-3 - He Reports, You Decide


A future generation of Israelites will believe God’s report that Jesus is their Messiah.


Isaiah 53:1-3     Numbers 23:19     Zechariah 12:10     Romans 9:4-5     Romans 11:26     2 Corinthians 1:20     2 Corinthians 11:23-27     Revelation 19:11-16


“Do you think of Jesus as charismatic? I mean in the nonbiblical use of the term. It’s OK to think of Him that way as long as we realize that it was because His Father in Heaven and the Holy Spirit were why He spoke like no one ever had, and why children approached Him without fear, and why sinners found in Him a refuge.
Think of it this way. If someone is naturally charismatic, and God is using them, we tend to think it is because of their personality. Obviously, God can, and does, use charismatic individuals, but it isn’t a prerequisite. A case can be made that God gets more of the glory He deserves if we are without form, comeliness, or beauty.”

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