The Plan All Along – Muscle Harmony (Ephesians 4:2-6)

Ephesians 4:2-6 - Muscle Harmony


Humility, gentleness, and patience are the muscles of faith that make it possible to walk worthy of our calling.


Ephesians 4:2-6    


If you open up social media today, you’ll see people all over the political spectrum claiming Jesus Christ as their emblem. One person will have on a shirt that says, ‘Jesus was a refugee.’ The next will have a shirt that says, ‘Proud Christian nationalist.’
Who’s right? God forbid that we make the Messiah in our own image. There is one Lord. Who He is, what He said, what He’s done, what He’s going to do has been revealed to us on the pages of Scripture. If we want to be thriving Christians who walk worthy, we need to base our lives on the Biblical Jesus, not any sort of cultural Jesus. Not a Jesus that reinforces my desires or is wielded like a talisman.”

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