The Days Of Noah

Genesis 6:1-5 – Noah Time Like The Present

Jesus said the time before His return would be like the days of Noah. What does that mean and how does it line up with the world around us?

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Matthew 24:36 – The Mark Of The Feast

The Second Coming is at the end of the seven-year Tribulation. Since men on the earth can know exactly when the Tribulation starts, and it’s precise midpoint, how is it no man knows the exact day or hour?

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Matthew 24:37-42 – Last Man Saved

Eventually, the last saint of the church age will become born again, and then the rapture will happen.

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Genesis 6:1-4 – Sons Of Anarchy

Who were the Nephilim on the earth in the days of Noah?

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Numbers 13:33, Deuteronomy 2:10-11, Genesis 6:4 – Promised Land Of Giants

The Old Testament talks a lot about giants. What do we really know about them?

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Genesis 6:4 & Matthew 24:38 – Tall Tales

We hear, “eating and drinking,” and think of dinner out at a restaurant. Those same words to a Jew meant flesh-eating, blood-drinking Nephilim.

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Matthew 24:40-42 – Leftovers

Those who become believers during the seven-year Great Tribulation will want to be left behind at the Second Coming.

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Genesis 6:1-4 – Return Of The Nephilim

We have the truth about these subjects. We need to be ready to give nonbelievers a real, biblical answer – not ridicule them for asking about it.

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Find other reports about the Nephilim here.
Find other reports about the days of Noah here.

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