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One Life To Leave (Ecclesiastes 2:12-26)

Ecclesiastes 2:12-26 - One Life To Leave


The Teacher grapples with the fact that death will rob him of all his life’s work one day.

After all his achievements, experiences, and greatness, the Teacher realizes that none of it will last forever, which drives him into a deep depression.

The only way out is a good theology.


Ecclesiastes 2:12-26     Ecclesiastes 1:18     Matthew 6:2     Mark 8:36     Romans 8:8-9     Colossians 2:3     Hebrews 11:6     James 3:18


“God does want you to enjoy the life life He’s given you. He is a tender gift giver. Look at the picture here: Life was not found in God’s storehouse, or in God’s quarry, or in God’s reservoir. It’s not in some place where you have to find on the map, make your way to, and draw out yourself. No, this God hand-delivers His gifts to us. That indicates closeness and kindness and personal knowledge.”

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