“Some scholars say that the words of the Teacher are ‘free-wheeling and associative,’ but not according to this. There is more than meets the eye. This book and by extension the rest of Scripture are perfectly balanced and perfectly necessary. It is not only accurate, it is delicately designed. As we delve into the Word of God, we will discover and keep discovering life-giving, life-changing truth.
This is why we don’t just read the Bible once and say, “Ok we’ve got it now.” These words of truth keep working in us. In fact, “delightful sayings” can also be translated as ‘apt and timely.’ They are words for today. They are words for you and me. What the Teacher put down we need to know.
Certain truths we really need to know. Consider how the discoveries of Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek and Louis Pasteur changed life for everyone. We needed to know about germs and how they lead to disease. It will not do to ignore what they discovered and revealed.
To an infinitely greater degree, we need the discoveries, the explanations, the examples and revelation given to us in the Bible. In them we discover what life really is and Who the Lifegiver really is. They are a lamp to our feet, a light to our path. In the Word of God we find joy and peace and help and clarity. But, though they’re given in grace, they aren’t always easy for us to accept.”