Psalm Sundays – O, Deer, What Can The Matter Be? David’s So Long In Despair (Psalm 42)

Psalm 42 - O, Deer, What Can The Matter Be? David's So Long In Despair


David recalls a time in exile when he felt like a deer desperate with thirst.


Psalm 42:1-11     Psalm 139:7-10     Hebrews 2:12     Revelation 5:11     Revelation 7:9-11


“Christians seem to have an insatiable thirst, but I sometimes question the quenchers we reach for. Program after program after program promises to quench your thirst. But just thinking logically, if the program worked, why would it quickly be replaced by the next?
Too many so-called programmatic Christian thirst quenchers make you do work for the water, when in fact God has promised it to you by grace. Here is a better quench: Repetitive reading of Scripture, out loud. ”

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