Prophecy Update #819 – Shut-Up, Daniel

Prophecy Update #819 - Shut-up, Daniel


There is a fascinating phrase in the last chapter of the OT Book of Daniel. It is Daniel 12:4, “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end.”


“It is possible to interpret “knowledge” as a growing understanding of biblical prophecy, particularly Israel’s role and God’s unfolding plan, which we as dispensationalists emphasize in our teaching about prophecy. As the end approaches, God will allow greater & greater insight into prophetic truths.
Another way to interpret the phrase “knowledge shall increase” is that there will be a surge in knowledge, technology, and information. It is a prophecy pointing to the modern era, where rapid advances in science, communication, and global travel are viewed as signs that the world is moving closer to the fulfillment of End Times events.
By far the most significant “increase in knowledge” is the surge of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is the one tech advancement that can bring all the others together.
As to ‘knowledge,’ some believe that AI can surpass human intelligence, predicting it could happen within the next few decades. In fact, it has many worried.
Elon Musk, when he isn’t putting out Tesla fires, considers AI ‘the most serious threat to the survival of the human race.'”

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