The Millennium Forecast – Sinner, Sinner, Come To Dinner (Isaiah 55:1-13)

Isaiah 55:1-13 - Sinner, Sinner, Come To Dinner


Jesus issues an open invitation for believing sinners to enjoy fellowship with Him as if it is a dinner.


Isaiah 55:1-13     Ezekiel 36:26-27     Luke 7:34     John 14:26     1 Peter 1:8     Revelation 3:17-20


“Water, wine & milk can be comprehended as aspects of the Holy Spirit’s ministry: Water always brings to mind ‘the rivers of living water’ that Jesus promised the Spirit would bring to our lives.
Paul told us not to be drunk with wine, but instead be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Milk we associate with ‘the milk of the Word.’ Jesus said, ‘the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.'”

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