The Plan All Along – Foster The Children (Ephesians 6:1-4)

Ephesians 6:1-4 - Foster The Children


Paul gives instruction for children and parents in a Christian family.


Ephesians 6:1-4    


“Paul changes the goal of parenting. A Roman boy was taught reading and writing, Roman ethics, philosophy, rhetoric. He was groomed to become a great Roman. But Christians must have a different perspective. The goal of Christian parenting is not that their kids get the finest education or the highest paying job or the best stats on the sports field. Those might be a part of your kid’s life, but your goal is to bring your child to spiritual maturity. Your goal is to introduce your children to the Lord Jesus, teaching them His ways and His Word, and then show them how to walk worthy on their own – teaching them to know God and love God and how to hear from God and how to follow Him.”

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