The Cameo King (Easter 2024)

The Cameo King (Easter 2024)


After His resurrection from the grave, Jesus made a bunch of cameos to different people. What does this show us about the kindness, tenderness, and care of our personal Savior?


Matthew 28:1-20     Luke 24:13-15     John 3:16     John 20:19-26     John 21:1-5     Romans 10:9     1 Corinthians 15:5-8     2 Corinthians 5:20


“In the days following the resurrection, Jesus showed again and again how much He cares – how He really is a personal Savior who is looking for people who need saving. Mary needed comfort. Jesus found her and consoled her. Peter needed restoration. Jesus found him and reconciled him. Thomas needed an attitude adjustment. Jesus gave it firmly but lovingly. Cleopas and his companion needed hope and clarity. Jesus walked with them and unfolded hope to them, mile after mile, helping them understand the truth. At least three times, He sat and had a meal with His friends, spending time with care and purpose and kindness and love. That’s our Savior!”

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