The Sweet Life (Ecclesiastes 11:1-10)

Ecclesiastes 11:1-10 - The Sweet Life


The Teacher tells us to live with grit and diligence, despite the unknowable nature of this life. Doing so in the fear of God leads us to the good life.


Ecclesiastes 11:1-10     Psalm 73:26     Proverbs 15:13     Matthew 10:31     Acts 3:6     Hebrews 10:24-25     1 Peter 3:15     Revelation 21:25


“Research shows that these days, Americans are less generous, less entrepreneurial, less productive, doing less DIY projects, moving less, are less active, reading fewer books, are getting married less, and having fewer children.
Life should not be less among Christians. In fact, Hebrews tells us that we should meet all the more together, that we should provoke each other to more love and more good works as we see the day approaching. What has God called you to do? Do you have a dream of doing something, not a selfish dream but a way to honor the Lord and minister to the world around you? Maybe it’s in the world of business, maybe it’s in more formal Gospel ministry. The Teacher is telling you to do what you can with what you have and see what happens. Try it. Develop it. Sow and reap.

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