“Not from the treasury. Not from the armory. From the sanctuary. That’s where God’s presence was. That’s where help comes from. When trouble came to Israel, their first stop shouldn’t be to the forge of the blacksmith, but to the altar of the Lord. To draw near to Him so they could hear from Him and be cleansed by Him and be covered by His favor.
We don’t live in a theocracy, nor do we have physical temples which house the visible glory of God.
If you’re a Christian now you are the Temple of the Lord. But, this song demonstrates that in the day of trouble the Lord wants to send help from the sanctuary. How does that work in the Church age?
In the temple there were priests and Levites on duty, around the clock, to minster to the people on behalf of the Lord. Today, God has made Christians a royal priesthood. He calls us to support one another, to sustain one another, to bear one another’s burdens. You and I should expect God to send us as help to others in their day of trouble – as member of the working Body of Christ.”