Prophecy Update – Big Brother EU



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We like every week to bring what we call a Prophecy Update.  We show how news and trends in the world are corroborating centuries-old prophecies found in the Bible.

We know that in the last days a powerful world empire will emerge that has its origins in the old Roman Empire.  Students of Bible prophecy have long followed the growth of the European Union as the possible fulfillment of this revived Roman Empire.

A characteristic of this last days superpower will be its abuse of its citizens through technology.  The dreaded mark of the beast will be required of each of the empire’s citizens in order for them to be identified as a person who has sworn allegiance to the coming world leader.

News about the European Union (EU) implementing id and surveillance technology certainly gets our attention.

On September 20th a website called The Inquisitir posted a story titled, The EU looking to head down Orwellian black hole. ((


Under the guise of Project Indect… the EU wants to develop “automatic detection of threats and abnormal behavior or violence.”

These programs are meant to act as “agents” to monitor and process information from web sites, discussion forums, file servers, peer-to-peer networks and individual computers. The project has already received £10 million in funding from the EU and is a part of its ever expanding role in crime fighting, terrorism and managing travel of people. Already this year the EU has increased its budget in these areas by 13.5% or nearly £900 million.’

This is all supposed to help develop what the European Commission is referring to as a “common culture” of law enforcement to be developed across the EU over the next five years.

Stephen Booth, an Open Europe analyst who has helped compile a dossier on the European justice agenda, said these developments and projects such as Indect sounded “Orwellian” and raised serious questions about individual liberty.

… Open Europe believes that all this data collected by the likes of the Project Indect could be used by a little known EU agency called the EU Joint Situation Control (SitCen) which it believes is the beginnings of an EU secret service. It has been referred
to by others as “Europe’s CIA.”

Another article, this one on, stated the following: ((

The European Commission is calling for a “common culture” of law enforcement to be developed across the EU and for a third of police officers – more than 50,000 in the UK alone – to be given training in European affairs within the next five years.

Shami Chakrabarti, the director of human rights group Liberty, described the introduction of such mass surveillance techniques as a “sinister step” for any country, adding that it was “positively chilling” on a European scale.

Is the EU the revived Roman Empire?  U.S. scholar Parag Khanna, who wrote a book titled, The Second World: Empires and Influence in the new Global Order, said the following: ((

The EU is easily the most popular and successful empire in history, for it does not dominate, it disciplines. The incentives of Europeanisation – subsidies from Brussels, unfettered mobility, and the adoption of the euro currency – are too great not to want.

Brussels today rivals Washington with its swarms of lobbyists, including dozens of public relations outfits hired by Balkan and post-Soviet countries actively vying for EU admission.

…the EU…will stretch until it no longer can, growing until it has fully replaced the dismantled Soviet Union across Europe’s east, creating a borderless and contiguous “Pax Europea” of about 35 countries, an imperial blanket covering close to 600 million people…

The final expression of the revived Roman Empire will undoubtedly surprise us.  But isn’t it more than coincidental that the Bible predicted just such a last days empire and that it would utilize then unthinkable technology to harrass its subjects?

Sometimes you’re not sure if you are reading the Bible or the headlines!

Get ready, stay ready, keep looking up.

Ready or not, Jesus is coming!

For a very interesting map comparing the Roman Empire & the EU go to

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