Prophecy Update – Biometrics Booming


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Every Sunday we present a prophecy update. We show how news and trends in the world corroborate centuries-old prophecies you read in the Bible.

Studies have suggested that the amount of human knowledge is doubling every 8 years. Some of the technologies that are emerging will no doubt have a role to play in Bible Prophecy.

Revelation 13 describes a mark, in the right hand or forehead, that will enable people to buy or sell items. In fact you won’t be able to conduct commerce without it.

• When you hear comments by the head of MasterCard that microchip implants under the skin could be used for commerce – you can’t help but see the path we are on.
• The approval of the FDA for implants under the skin for medical purposes will no doubt play a role in this emerging trend.
• The increase of RFID technology also presents some amazing possibilities in terms of commerce and tracking technology.

Eventually this technology will be dictated by the man we know as the antichrist. He will demand that everyone swear allegiance to him, that everyone worship him, or they will not be able to conduct any business.

There were some developments I thought interesting along these lines. A February 19th article posted on the Jerusalem Post website was titled, Biometric Law will make Identity Theft Harder. ((


Effective use of biometric data could have prevented the apparent theft of Anglo- Israelis’ identities, Meir Sheetrit (Kadima), the architect of the country’s Biometric ID

Law, and a former minister of intelligence services, told The Jerusalem Post Thursday evening.

Sheetrit said the identification documents – identity cards and passports – that would come into use as a result of his law would “be impossible to forge.”

“Once we have the smart chip in passports and identification cards, we will finally be part of the developments that we are beginning to see throughout the world,” he added. “It will become increasingly difficult to cross international borders with fake identification once more and more countries install fingerprint-reading devices at border crossings.”

“The majority of states in the world, including the United Kingdom and other European countries, are going in the direction of biometric identity documents and biometric scans at borders,” said Sheetrit.

Meanwhile on the same date a technology tracking website, Squid, ran a story titled, Contactless smart cards ‘show a big step towards a cashless society.’ ((


It has been advised that one of the key ways that the UK can step towards a cashless society is by the implementation of contactless smart cards.

A new study – The Future of Cash and Payments – by Retail Banking Research has found that eMoney enabled mobile phones will also help to eradicate the need to carry cash in Britain, Near Field Communications World has stated.

The report’s authors have predicted that there will be a “significant increase” in the use of contactless smart card technology in European countries such as the UK and France from this year onwards.

Additionally, it is forecast that the number of cash transactions will decline by 2.3 per cent a year in Europe up until 2014.

Recent announcements from the UK Payments Council could be seen to pave the way for increasing contactless smart card uptake among consumers – the body has revealed that central cheque clearing will close altogether by 2018, meaning that by this date people will no longer be able to purchase goods using this method of payment.

Then there was this report from, titled, Digital Dining to unveil new biometric POS (Point Of Sale) solution. ((


The latest version of Digital Dining’s restaurant point-of-sale software now features “U.are.U” fingerprint biometrics technology from DigitalPersona, a provider of fingerprint identity and authentication solutions. The POS solution will be unveiled at the Digital Dining National Dealer Conference in Austin, Texas.

“Over the last 10 years we have seen biometrics become a huge area of interest to our customers,” Digital Dining’s business development manager Andre Nataf said in a news release. “The DigitalPersona U.are.U fingerprint readers are phenomenal. They integrate seamlessly with all of our partner’s machines. Eighty percent of our implementations include U.are.U biometrics from DigitalPersona. It has become standard equipment.”

The Digital Dining solution serves customers in industries ranging from restaurants and hospitality to universities and hospitals. It also is being used by organizations in the entertainment industry such as night clubs, bars, movies theaters, bowling centers, casinos and racetracks.

Technology and Bible prophecy are intersecting for the first time in history. It is a sign we are living in the last days.
What should we be looking for? We should be looking for the return of Jesus to resurrect and rapture the church. It’s an event that is presented as imminent. It could occur any moment with no prophecies needing to first be fulfilled.

Get ready, stay ready, keep looking up.

Ready or not, Jesus is coming!

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