Prophecy Update – EU Security Measures



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EU Security Measures

We like every week to bring what we call a Prophecy Update.  We show how news and trends in the world are corroborating centuries-old prophecies found in the Bible.

The Bible describes a government in the last days that has invasive oversight among its citizens.  The infamous “mark of the beast” is some sort of technology that allows you to buy and sell, to conduct all your business, without cash or credit cards because you have some sort of personal identifier on your hand or in your forehead.  Eventually this technology will be used against people who refuse to swear allegiance to the world leader we call the antichrist.

When we read in the news about advances in government oversight of its citizens it sounds like the precursor of the system that will be in place during the Great Tribulation.  And when these things pertain to the European Union (EU) we really take notice because students of prophecy see a revived Roman Empire as a key player on the end times world stage.

A British news website,, ran a story on June 10th titled, EU Security Proposals Are ‘Dangerously Authoritarian.


Europe’s justice ministers will hold talks on the “domestic security policy” and surveillance network proposals, known in Brussels circles as the “Stockholm programme,” on July 15 with the aim of finishing work on the EU’s first ever internal security policy by the end of 2009.

Civil liberties groups say the proposals would create an EU ID card register, internet surveillance systems, satellite surveillance, automated exit-entry border systems operated by machines reading biometrics and risk profiling systems.

Jacques Barrot, the European justice and security commissioner, yesterday publicly declared that the aim was to “develop a domestic security strategy for the EU”, once regarded as a strictly national “home affairs” area of policy. “National frontiers should no longer restrict our activities,” he said.

Critics of the plans have claimed that moves to create a new “information system architecture” of Europe-wide police and security databases will create a “surveillance state”.

Tony Bunyan, of the European Civil Liberties Network (ECLN), has warned that EU security officials are seeking to harness a “digital tsunami” of new information technology without asking “political and moral questions first.”

Mr Bunyan has suggested that existing and new proposals will create an EU ID card register, internet surveillance systems, satellite surveillance, automated exit-entry border systems operated by machines reading biometrics and risk profiling systems.

{ read the whole article }

The advancement of this kind of technology and the further strengthening of the European Union are both prophesied in the Bible.  It’s exactly what we would expect to be happening based on the Word of God.

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